Tired of feeling less than your best in the bedroom? Struggling with erectile dysfunction or just want to boost your performance? Nitric oxide might be the secret weapon you've been searching for!

This tiny molecule plays a huge role in everything from sexual vitality to heart health and brain power! In this podcast episode, Beth Shirley will reveal how boosting your nitric oxide levels can transform your well-being. Plus, she’ll discuss the best nitric oxide rich foods that can naturally enhance your energy and performance.

Don’t miss out on these game-changing insights! Tune in to the podcast and discover how to unlock your body’s full potential today!

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What is Nitric Oxide and Why is It Important?

Nitric oxide (NO) is a naturally occurring molecule in the body. It plays a vital role in various essential processes. Its primary function is to widen blood vessels, improving circulation and ensuring adequate oxygen and nutrient delivery throughout the body. This enhanced blood flow has significant benefits for sexual function, cardiovascular health, brain function, and even immune defense.

For sexual health, NO increases blood flow to the genitals, aiding in erections for men and enhancing sexual arousal, lubrication, and sensation for women. Moreover, NO is crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels and preventing heart disease, contributing to overall cardiovascular well-being.

How Does Your Body Produce Nitric Oxide?

Nitric oxide is produced through two main pathways. One starts with the amino acid L-arginine, while the other involves nitrates found in foods like spinach, arugula, beets, and celery. When you eat these nitrate-rich foods, your body absorbs the nitrates and stores them in your salivary glands. Oral bacteria then convert nitrates into nitrites, which are further transformed into NO in your stomach.

Exercise also boosts NO production. As your muscles demand more oxygen and nutrients, your body converts nitrites into NO to improve circulation and recovery. Unfortunately, our ability to produce NO decreases as we age. By age 40, the enzyme responsible for NO production (NOS enzyme) works at only about 50% efficiency, and by age 60, it drops to around 15%. Poor diet, lack of exercise, and certain medications can also hinder NO production.

Nitric Oxide Benefits and Why You Need It for Optimal Health

The benefits of nitric oxide go far beyond improved blood flow. Here are some of its other benefits.

Improved Sexual Health and Performance

Nitric oxide plays a crucial role in enhancing sexual performance for both men and women. By regulating blood flow to the genitals, it helps men achieve and maintain erections and aids women in experiencing heightened sensation and lubrication. While popular medications like Viagra can assist in prolonging the effects of NO, they don't directly increase its levels. Therefore, optimizing NO naturally is essential for improving overall sexual function.

Supports Cardiovascular Health

Nitric oxide also plays a vital role in overall well-being. It helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system by relaxing blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure, improves circulation, and prevents plaque buildup. This, in turn, reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Moreover, NO supports brain health by increasing blood flow, thereby helping to prevent cognitive decline and conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.

Boosts Exercise Performance

During physical activity, the production of nitric oxide rises, positively impacting muscle performance, endurance, and recovery. By boosting blood flow to working muscles, NO ensures a more efficient supply of oxygen and nutrients, enhancing stamina and reducing fatigue. Additionally, it helps remove waste products from muscles, accelerating the recovery process after intense exercise.

Strengthens Immune Function

Nitric oxide is also a vital component of the immune system. It helps our bodies combat harmful invaders like bacteria and viruses. It acts as a frontline defense, regulating immune responses and shielding us from infections. This is especially crucial during the cold and flu season when our bodies are more susceptible to illness.

Enhances Brain Function

Lastly, nitric oxide plays a crucial role in maintaining cognitive health and preventing neurodegenerative diseases. By increasing blood flow to the brain, NO helps to improve memory, focus, and overall mental clarity. This increased circulation is also essential for protecting the brain from conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Why Nitric Oxide Production Declines with Age

As we age, our bodies produce less nitric oxide due to the declining efficiency of the NOS enzyme. This decline is influenced by factors like aging, unhealthy diets, stress, and exposure to environmental pollutants, including electromagnetic fields and pollution.

Moreover, common medications such as antibiotics, birth control pills, NSAIDs, and acid blockers can hinder NO production. These medications interfere with the body's pathways for producing NO, leading to reduced blood flow, elevated blood pressure, and compromised sexual function.

Lastly, excessive use of mouthwash or fluoride toothpaste can disrupt the beneficial bacteria in our mouths that convert nitrates into nitrites. Therefore, maintaining a healthy oral microbiome is essential for optimal NO production.

How to Check Your Nitric Oxide Levels

One easy way to determine if your body is producing enough nitric oxide is by using test strips. These strips are available in most health stores and in the Modern Man Crib.

You can test your NO levels by placing a saliva sample on the strip. If it turns dark pink, your NO levels are sufficient. If not, increasing your intake of nitrate-rich foods or taking nitric oxide supplements can help improve levels over time.

How to Naturally Increase Nitric Oxide Levels

Leaves mix of spinach greens, arugula and basil. Ingredients for healthy eating.

To support your body’s nitric oxide production, it’s important to consume foods high in nitrates.

  • Arugula is one of the highest sources of nitrates, arugula is also free of oxalates, making it a great option for those looking to boost NO levels without risk of kidney stones.
  • Spinach is a leafy green that is packed with nitrates, spinach is a top food for naturally increasing NO production.
  • Beets is known for their ability to increase NO, beets are another excellent choice for boosting circulation and improving exercise performance.
  • Celery is rich in nitrates and can help support overall cardiovascular health.

To meet the daily requirement for nitric oxide production, you should consume about five ounces of spinach or seven ounces of beets per day. However, if you find it difficult to eat that much nitrate-rich food, supplements can provide a convenient alternative.

Nitric Oxide Supplements

For people who have trouble eating enough nitrate-rich foods, nitric oxide supplements can be a helpful option. Supplements made from arugula are a strong source of nitrate without the oxalates found in some other foods. Just two capsules a day can give you the same amount of nitrate as several ounces of spinach or beets.

It’s also important to keep your mouth healthy, as the body turns nitrate into nitrite there. Using mouthwash and fluoride toothpaste less often can help the good bacteria in your mouth that do this. NO supplements can also help your mouth bacteria get healthier over time, which is good for your whole body.

About Beth Shirley

Beth Shirley is a trailblazer in integrative pharmacy with over 40 years of experience as a pharmacist and certified clinical nutritionist. She specializes in areas such as stress-induced hormonal imbalances, autoimmune issues, and nutrigenomics, with a focus on addressing chronic inflammatory conditions. Since 2009, she has worked alongside world-renowned nitric oxide researchers, gaining deep expertise in the molecule's potential to transform patient care. Currently the Director of Education and Research at Approved Medical Solutions, she continues to pioneer innovative approaches to health and wellness.

Final Thoughts

Nitric oxide (NO) is a tiny but mighty molecule in your body. It acts like a messenger, helping many parts work their best. NO improves blood flow, which is good for your heart and circulation. It might also enhance brain function, immunity, and even sexual health. To keep your NO levels up, you can eat vegetables rich in nitrates, like spinach, beets, and arugula. There are also supplements available, but it's wise to talk to your doctor before trying any new products.

Additional Resources

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