written by
Anne Truong

Penis Pumps - Myths and Truth

podcast 10 min read

Penis pumps are vacuum devices that can help you get an erection. There are many myths, stigmas about pumping. We will unravel on the use of the penis pump.

In this episode we will discuss why men should use the penis pump and how it will help you perform better in the bedroom. Plus myths and truth about the penis pump. We will cover:

  • How does the pump work.
  • Does the penis pump make your penis larger?
  • Penis pumps are only for people with ED?
  • What are risks and side effects of pumping?

Table Of Contents

Penis Pumps Episode Video

Why You Should Use Penis Pumps

Why You Should Use Penis Pumps
Photographer: Jakob Owens

Anne: Why would you want to use a penis pump? Oftentimes, it's actually a good age for a man that has ED because what the penis pump does is that it brings in blood flow to the penis. And so you put the penis into a vacuum pump and it create negative pressure. And because of the negative pressure, it gives you an erection by bringing in blood flow to the shaft and to the tip, the gland.

Now, it only help in patient that has venous blood flow problem. But if you have like an arterial or the blood flow that comes from the arteries, it may not help as much.

Now the usage of that is, I say that when you use a penis pump, it's like going to the gym for your penis muscles. Because when you go to the gym, you do biceps curl and your biceps get tight and it get bigger. And how often do you do that? You do that three times a week or you do it so five to a week.

Treat It Like a Muscle

Bao: So what you're saying is the penis is a muscle.

Anne: The penis is a muscle. And if you don't use it, you lose it. And for men that has ED, if you don't use your penis, it's going to start atrophying. It's all going to get smaller. And if you use a penis pump it is bringing in blood flow to your penis. And even though you may not use it for sexual activity, it is bringing in blood flow. So that way your muscles is getting oxygen and that it is getting some type of blood flow rather than nothing at all. Remember, you don't use it, you will lose it.

Bao: That makes a lot of sense.

Uses Of Penis Pumps

Applications of a Penis Pump
Photographer: R+R Medicinals

Anne: So that's why you will want to use a penis pump is to prevent muscle atrophy, but it also will help you get an erection. So let's open up this box right here-

Bao: Before we begin, honey, I have to say when you first did this on me, yes, it was to get feedback and to really look at the whole process coming from a male perspective.

But you guys listening out there, this could be a lot of fun too with foreplay. I mean, honestly, it's a lot of fun to do this.

For Foreplay

Anne: Well, in fact, that's one of the indication for a penis pump is that it's a foreplay for the woman, as well as for the man. And when you create an erection, you can actually put a ring at the base of the penis and that will keep the erection there. And then you can use it for or intercourse and you don't have to have ED just to use the penis pump either. So the box comes in like a bag like this and it comes with the pump and it's actually an electric pump here. Let me turn it on.

All right, let's turn it on. I even charge it for you and it has a little rubber too here, and it also comes with a gel. And interestingly this which is called the fleshlight, flesh not flash. Flesh, F-L-E-S-H. And I didn't know what that was until we played a game called cards against humanity. Now let me know if any of you ever played that game before. We played that game about couple weeks ago with our friends and learned about what a fleshlight is. So this is called a fleshlight which is what you see here and that actually goes on the inside of this vacuum cylinder. So penis pump looks like this.

When I saw it but apparently, this can be used as a male masturbator as well. The male vibrator. So it can be stimulatory as well as helping you with an erection. It is also removable. So it can be removed from there as well. So you can decide to leave it in there or you can take it out. I took it out and it's electric. And to you use the penis pump, you put it through here and before you do it, make sure guys you shave at the base here. Shave hair.

How to Use Penis Pumps

How to Use a penis pump
Photographer: Tingey Injury Law Firm

Anne: Make sure you don't get the scrotum or the balls into the area and push a base of the cylinder against your pubic bone as much as you can and do this sitting up or standing. Don't do us lying down or else you're going to lose suction. And you turn this on and it's electric and you have to use a pump which has a gauge on it. You see the gauge here? Because the gauge will tell you what the negative pressure is.

If you use too much negative pressure, it will actually harm your penis.

Anne: You don't want to go more pressure than about, it has different gauges. If you don't want to go more than about five to 10 millimeter of mercury of suction, or what I tell my patient is that, go into a point where you feel a little uncomfortable and then stop. Now, you don't want to go quickly, start slow, and then wait until about 30 seconds or two minutes and then you see how it goes. Of course, this is not going to create that negative pressure but you can see the gauge right here trying to create a negative suction.

Bao: See folks, this is what I have to endure right here is what she's showing you which is using a model. I have to do the real thing and it's actually fun.

Risks And Side Effects Of Penis Pumping

Risk Of use
Photographer: Sammie Chaffin

Anne: Well, so that's how you use the pump. Now, what I see my patient is that they use it too much and you shouldn't pump more than about 10 minutes, twice a day and don't go more than 10 millimeter of mercury pressure. But sometimes you use it too much. So what happens when you use it too much? Well, your penis get fatigued. It's almost like when you go to the gym too much in a day, your muscles just get tired. It doesn't work anymore. It gets fatigue. And therefore you can actually end up having ED because your penis muscle gets fatigued. And I hear that a lot.

Bao: So if you use it a lot and when it's time to have intimacy, you won't be able to perform because it's overused?

Suggested Frequency Of Use

Anne: Yeah. It gets overused. I don't suggest you use it more than once a day, but my patient will not say, oh, I'm using it more than once a day. They just go, well, I was using a pump and it is no longer helping me as much. I always ask them, well, how often do you use your pump? And I go, do you use it more than once?

So another thing to remember is that don't be over zealous in pumping because if you bring in too much pressure in there, you can have the blood vessels and the penis burst and you can have bruising.

Yes, you're going to have bruising and you can damage the muscle in the penis. And again, that will cause ED as well as pain as well too. So there are consequences. And if you are on blood thinner, like if you have heart issues and if you are on blood thinner, then you should make sure that you talk with your doctor before you use it, as well, make sure that it is safe. So we mentioned about bursting the blood vessel, using it too much. And if you noticing that you're not as firm you used to be, then you're probably using the pump too much.

Bao: Having too much fun.

Overusing Penis Pumps

Anne: Right. And also sometime if you find you are using the pump and you're having problems with ejaculation or not able to ejaculate or not fully ejaculating and you're probably pumping too much or the penis ring that you put at the base is too tight. Now that ring sometimes can be too tight and that can be uncomfortable as well too.

Think of it like going to the gym. So this is your exercise here. And I recommend that you in the beginning do it about every other day for about six weeks and then do it about three times a week.

Doesn't that sounds like going to the gym and exercising your of muscles for your triceps and your biceps are curled. So I hope you find it useful.

Bao: It's it's worth time spent and you have to be disciplined and a ritual in order to make this work. Correct?

Anne: Yeah. Now, it's like exercise. It does work and it can be almost like as a foreplay and it can be beneficial. Now there is one myth that goes around says that, you use the pump, it can make your penis bigger. Now it can make it bigger while you're pumping. However, for the long term the problem is it doesn't make it bigger.

Bao: I just thought of something. What is Austin Powers and Dr. Anne have in common? Penis pump.

Anne: The pump. Austin Powers, it's one of my favorite, favorite all time movie of all. And every time that they showed the scene where he brings out the penis pump, I laugh because it's so true and I applaud him for using it actually. And I think that he's an international man. I know he said international man. But what I was saying was that, in the long term, it doesn't make it bigger but in transiently or temporary, it can make it feel like it is bigger but just be careful that, you don't want to do it too often because there are some harm. And how often too often, more than once a day.

Bao: So using this should be under supervision of a doctor or you just buy one and use it?

Anne: Well, you can buy a penis pump that's on internet or over the counter. But I recommend that you go see a doctor and get an FDA approved pump because sometime insurance will cover that and FDA approved pump may be a little bit safer. And also if you do get one that is on the internet and not with a doctor, make sure you get one with a gauge here. With this gauge right here, because you don't want to get one without a gauge, then you don't know how much negative pressure you are creating, then you can end up harming your penis tissue.

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men sexual health penis pumps sex tools