written by
Anne Truong

The Link Between Your Heart Health and ED

performance blood flow Health podcast ED blog Blood Vessels 3 min read

The penis is one of the most complex organs in the body. It’s connected to the brain, thousands of blood vessels, muscles, and nerves that all have to work together in tandem to maintain an erection. Now more than ever, surprising factors are contributing to a rise in ED among even healthy young men.

Of all the factors that could be leading to ED, there is one silent killer that may be sabotaging your erection: your heart health.

Episode Video

Why the Heart Disease is a Risk Factor for ED

If you’ve spent time listening to the podcast or reading these blogs, you know that blood flow is a significant concern in ED. If the blood is not flowing correctly, or there’s an issue with the blood, the penis will have difficulty maintaining a strong erection.

When someone has heart disease, it simply means their heart is not functioning as well as it should. This can lead to several problems, one of which is erectile dysfunction. The heart is responsible for pumping blood to the penis. If the heart is not working correctly, the blood flow to the penis is compromised.

You’re Having a “Penis Attack”

Just like people have a heart attack when they don’t get enough blood flow to the heart, when you have ED, you need to treat it like a “penis attack.” Studies show that 57% of men who suffer from ED have heart problems and heart attacks about 10 years from the onset of their ED symptoms.

Erectile dysfunction is something that needs to be taken seriously, especially if your weight, cholesterol, or blood pressure are not in a healthy state. Be warned, though; running to over-the-counter pills will not help you in the long term. In fact, most medications tend to worsen the issues over time, and you’re not addressing the underlying problem.

Not to Worry, It’s Reversible

It’s not too late! With a diet and lifestyle change, you can be on the right track back to a healthy heart and a firm erection. The first step is to do a self-audit.

You need to ask yourself the tough questions: are you smoking? Are you consuming large quantities of red meat and fat? Are you overweight (over 30 BMI)? Have you been drinking alcohol too much? It’s time to shift some habits.

After you do a self-check, make sure to get a professional one too. The only way to truly understand what’s happening on the inside is to take a look. Get your blood work done and start trying to rule things out so you can hone in on the source of your problem.

Final Thoughts

While these things can sound a bit scary, you have the chance to make things right again. ED and heart health have quite an intimate link, and your body might be telling you it’s time for a change.

Remember, shifting to a more active lifestyle and a Mediterranean diet can have a substantial positive impact on your heart, mental, and sexual health.

Additional Resources

Want to regain control of your sex life? Join the Modern Man Club and start your road to full recovery and community.

Reveal the FREE treatment most men ignore that solves thousands of erectile dysfunction cases every year, plus the 5 biggest mistakes you must avoid if you want to say goodbye to your ED. Uncover it all in my free ebook available to download now: The 5 Common Costly Mistakes Men Make When Facing Erectile Dysfunction.

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